Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Wow, what a week! It's flown past so quickly.

I've been doing some minor catering here. Lots of fun. Nervous, too. Want to make sure that I do my best.

Rather diverse. Pizza, Nor Mai Gai, cookies, beef pot roast, cheese sauce, potato rolls. I need to practice more with these so that they become natural.

I'm also talking with a new coffee shop here about supplying them with biscotti. Very cool. They're interested in pizza, too, if I can freeze it for them for later baking.

Last night, we spent an hour shooting off fireworks. Just fantastic! We recorded the first 40 minutes of the display. When the stores open and I'm able to get a cable to connect our camcorder to my PC via FireWire, I'll post the video.

Legal "Made in China" fireworks. Makes a pyromaniac like me so very, very happy.


  1. Happy New Year, James. Glad to hear all the cooking is going so well.

  2. Thanks, Nancy!

    Currently, I'm debating whether to post more often with the style I'm using now. Or, less often, but better photos.
