Monday, November 3, 2008

A Care Package!

Today I was at the post office mailing something to the US. I hear from the back "James! You have a package!"

Woohoo! I love getting packages. Unfortunately, I was on my motorcycle (scooter, really). Still, with a little ingenuity I managed to get it home.

What did I find inside?  So many goodies!

Cheesemaking supplies ...

Mini springform pans.  I'm thinking mini stuffed pizzas!

A new blade for my KitchenAid mixer.  One of the new scrape-the-side-for-you blades.  I'll post a review later.

Ramakins!  Nice and big (10 ounces) with plastic snap-on lids.

What a great box!


  1. Can't wait to hear what you think about the swiper blade!
    I'm a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure :-) Let me know!

  2. I'd definitely donate $1 to them.

    I'm looking forward to using the swipe blade. Just as soon as my oven recovers from its temperature-varying sickness.
